Oční kapky s DMSO

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you’ll know I’m really big on using and testing DMSO-based protocols. I have popular protocols for hemorrhoids, rectal stricture and intestinal strictures – all using DMSO as a primary, active component. I also find the idea of using DMSO in eyedrops particularly interesting – and not just because my father is an eye doctor! Once again, it is DMSO’s ability to penetrate tissue rapidly (and carry other substances into the tissues) that makes it so interesting as an eye treatment.

What I don’t know (personally) at this point, is how effective it is, how these solutions feel (energetically as well as physically) in the eye, and which concentration to use.

Based on my experience with DMSO thus far – it’s efficacy and potency – I would be inclined to start testing eyedrops at a 2% DMSO solution and gradually work up from there.

Odkaz na celý článek zde: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/dmso-eyedrops-for-cataracts-macular-degeneration-floaters-vision/